
The Willingness To Take Action And The Ability To Persevere In Hard Times Is All About You

The Willingness To Take Action And The Ability To Persevere In Hard Times Is All About You

Throughout my 17 years as a coach, motivational speaker,billige MBT Schuhe, and trainer I believe that there are many attributes that contribute to personal success.

However, two stand out above the rest:

1. The Willingness To Take Action

2. The Ability To Persevere

Some may argue that intelligence is important. Doesn't everyone know at least one person who is really smart, but is also broke or down on their luck? We rationalize that off as they are "too smart for their own good". However, too often they think they can beat the system without putting the time, effort, and sweat equity necessary to succeed.

What about overall knowledge? Yes, that is great too. But I've known plenty of people who have every letter of the alphabet after their name, lots of degrees, read every book known to mankind in their field, and will swear up and down that they know as much as the people who are making the big bucks and getting results. Strangely enough,christian louboutin soldes, they don't have the bank accounts,chaussures christian louboutin, or the body, or the happiness that successful people with just as much knowledge have every day.

Some people have enormous talent and potential. Well that is nice too. Some things come easy for people. Good for them. I have enough experience in my career with clients and players who have all the talent in the world, but have no desire to be the best they can be on a daily basis. I have never been too interested in all that...I want clients with desire and who want to perform.

Know what?

Historically my "performers" would almost always kick the crap out of their "potential" whether they were clients or athletes. However, most people are unwilling to take real action. They are "security people." Unfortunately,hogan, opportunity and security are inversely proportionate.

You know the deal...no risk, no reward.

It's no different when people say they'll "start eating right next week". Only next week turns into next month,mbt schuhe, then next year.

Each and every successful achievement begins with a decision to take action IMMEDIATELY.

I can't tell you how many people I know who throw out a good (or great) idea in their field or the possibility to develop the product that will change the world. The action inevitably stays just that. Instead of becoming an action, it stays an idea.

I also know plenty of successful and wealthy people that I consider to be of average intelligence. But they took action and continue to take action.

I'll be the first to admit, there have been times that I've considered doing something, only to get distracted, get lazy or simply take the path of least resistance - do nothing. But every success I've enjoyed has been a direct result of me making a decision and taking action.

The second part of this equation is having the ability to persevere. I promise you that if you take the next step to have the body of your dreams, launch your own business, write that book, take on a new project, or embrace a new challenge...

IT WILL HAPPEN,mbt schuhe günstig!

Yes, there will be stumbling blocks along the way. Construction will be delayed,christian louboutin soldes, you might get writer's block, you will miss a workout here and there, and you will make a bad choice or two.

You think it. And it can happen.

All part of the deal. The keys to success lie deep inside the people who are willing to move forward, take the chance, make a plan, look ahead and never give up.

Need a little more of a push that this is the way you too can get ahead? Watch any of the video clips online featuring a gentleman by the name of Nick Vujicic. He is an extraordinary person. He was born with no arms and no legs and he makes millions and he is only in his 20's. I think he is worth listening to in this age and time.

And if you are not convinced that you have the courage, intelligence, desire, and perseverance to handle a challenge or adversity, watch it again.

So that's it. Two "secrets to success" that anyone can utilize to achieve their goals.

Nothing profound. But then again, most of the best stuff is simply common sense.

Enjoy! Related articles:

