
Testing The Psychic Ability Of Your Cat

Testing The Psychic Ability Of Your Cat

Many people are convinced that cats are born with psychic abilities. This belief might date back to ancient Egypt and the cat goddesses Bast and Sekhmet. Or, maybe it was born of more modern times because cats tend to have psychic hallucinations after eating catnip. Whatever the beginnings, when a cat owner asks me how to determine the psychic ability of her cat, I ask her whether or not her cat knows if she's pondering this. If the cat does not know, he is not psychic. But, if the answer is yes, further investigation is required.

I recommend using my unique "3-Step Feline Psychic Capability Test" to help determine the level of paranormal expertise in your cat. I created this exam many years ago with my good friend Coco who said he was the most accomplished cat-psychic in the area. I believed him right up until the day a community rescue group caught him and put him in a foster home. (How did he not see that coming?) Be that as it may, he was pretty good at knowing who in the area was going to put out food.

Before you begin the test, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Clear your mind of any extraneous thoughts. Negative thoughts such as, "Why does my cat make such a mess when he eats?" or "I wish my cat would stop scratching the chair" may prevent your cat from establishing a psychic connection with you.

Step 1: Answer the following question.
Does your cat have a crystal ball,mbt schuhe günstig, Ouija board or Tarot cards?

If you answered, "No" to all of the above, quit now. Your cat is not psychic.
If you answered,hogan, "Yes" to any of the above, move on to Step 2.
If you answered, "Yes" specifically to the Tarot cards, please write to me and tell me how your cat learned to read.

Step 2: Calling your cat.
Grab a piece of tuna,Christian Louboutin Pas Cher, shrimp or catnip stalk and take a seat on the couch. Summon up as much concentration as you can and, while holding the tuna, shrimp or catnip stalk in the palm of your right hand, silently repeat to yourself, "Cat,Christian Louboutin Pas Cher, come see me sitting on the couch."* If your cat does not come into the room, quit now. Your cat is not psychic. If your cat does come into the room, give him the tuna, shrimp or catnip stalk as a reward and move on to Step 3.

Step 3: Make the connection.
Note: You will need the help of a friend for this step.
Challenge your cat to a game of "Password." Sit across the kitchen table from one another. (Do not let your cat channel the spirit of Allen Ludden. This will give him an unfair advantage.) Have your friend write down a word on a piece of paper and hand it to you. Try to get your cat to figure out what the word is by giving him clues. For example, if the word on the sheet of paper is,christian louboutin france, "litterbox" you could start by saying,billige MBT Schuhe, "poop." Your cat may intuit the word faster if you stretch it out into a few syllables and raise your eyebrows and voice a bit. Try saying, "poooooooooop?" Continue until you've completed at least 18 words, as this will produce a more statistically accurate result by eliminating the probability of chance. If your cat is able to correctly identify more than 83.9753% of the words correctly, congratulations! Your cat is indeed psychic. If he is not able to correctly identify more than 83.9753% of the words correctly, he is not psychic.

Keep working at it. His psychic ability may just need time to develop. And even if he isn't truly psychic,hogan, the two of you can still enjoy watching "Medium" together every week.

*If a couch is not available, use a chair. But, be sure to say, "Cat, come see me on the chair" or it won't be a successful test. Related articles:

